This set of puzzles took me well over a month to create, when what started out as a joke slowly took form and became reality. I had a lot of fun creating the puzzles in this pack, many of them variants that I had solved but never set before, and then the very rewarding experience of watching several people solve the entire pack over the next few weeks.
General Rules: Place a number from 1 to 9 into each empty cell so that every row, column, and bold-outlined region contains every number exactly once. Some cells contain uppercase letters; cells with the same letter must contain the same value in every puzzle in which that letter appears.
#1 - Diagonal Sudoku
Diagonal Sudoku rules: Each marked diagonal must contain each number exactly once.
#2 - Arrow Sudoku
Arrow Sudoku rules: The number placed in a circled cell must be equal to the sum of the numbers on the adjoining arrow.
#3 - Palindrome Sudoku
Palindrome Sudoku rules: The numbers placed on each grey line must form a palindromic sequence.
#4 - Thermo Sudoku
Thermo Sudoku rules: The numbers placed on each thermometer shape must form a strictly increasing sequence, starting from the bulb end.
#5 - Killer Sudoku
Killer Sudoku rules: The numbers placed in each marked cage must be distinct and sum to the total given in the corner of the cage.
#6 - Anti-Knight Sudoku
Anti-Knight Sudoku rules: Cells that are a knight's move apart (as in chess) must contain different values.
#7 - Consecutive Pairs Sudoku
Consecutive Pairs Sudoku rules: Cells separated by a white dot must contain consecutive numbers.
#8 - Irregular Sudoku
Irregular Sudoku rules: The regions are irregularly-shaped, but standard rules apply.
#9 - X-Sums Sudoku
X-Sums Sudoku rules: Clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the first X numbers placed in the corresponding direction, where X is the first of those numbers.
#10 - Between Sudoku
Between Sudoku rules: The numbers placed on each line must be strictly between the two numbers in the bulbs on either end of the line.
#11 - Odd/Even Sudoku
Odd/Even Sudoku rules: Numbers placed in cells marked with a grey circle must be odd, and those placed in cells marked with a grey square must be even.
#12 - Skyscrapers Sudoku
Skyscrapers Sudoku rules: Each number placed in the grid represents a building of that height. Clues outside the grid indicate how many buildings can be seen in the corresponding row or column from the position of the clue. Taller buildings block the view of smaller ones.
#13 - Disjoint Groups Sudoku
Disjoint Groups Sudoku rules: Numbers appearing in the same position within different 3x3 boxes must be distinct.
#14 - Sandwich Sudoku
Sandwich Sudoku rules: Clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the numbers appearing between the 1 and the 9 in the corresponding row or column.
#15 - German Whispers Sudoku
German Whispers Sudoku rules: A number placed on a line must have a difference of at least 5 from its immediate neighbours on the line.
#16 - Windoku
Windoku rules: Each number must appear exactly once in each of the four grey windows.
#17 - Fortress Sudoku
Fortress Sudoku rules: Whenever a shaded cell and an unshaded cell are orthogonally adjacent, the shaded cell must contain the larger number.
#18 - No Touch Sudoku
No Touch Sudoku rules: Cells which are diagonally adjacent must contain different numbers.
#19 - Group Sums Sudoku
Group Sums Sudoku rules: The four numbers placed around a circle must sum to the total given in the circle.
#20 - Eliminate Sudoku
Eliminate Sudoku rules: Numbers placed in cells with circles must not repeat in any of the four diagonal directions from that cell.
#21 - Equal Sudoku
Equal Sudoku rules: Numbers may not repeat within a cage. Within each cage, the sum of the odd numbers must be equal to the sum of the even numbers.
#22 - Anti-Diagonal Sudoku
Anti-Diagonal Sudoku rules: Each marked diagonal must contain exactly three distinct numbers.
#23 - Renban Groups Sudoku
Renban Groups Sudoku rules: Each shaded area must contain a set of distinct, consecutive numbers in any order.
#24 - Extra Regions Sudoku
Extra Regions Sudoku rules: Each shaded region must contain each number exactly once.
#25 - Clone Sudoku
Clone Sudoku: The two shaded shapes must contain the same numbers in the same positions.
#26 - Little Killer Sudoku
Little Killer Sudoku rules: The numbers place on each marked diagonal must sum to the indicated total.
#27 - Classic Sudoku
Classic Sudoku rules: Normal rules apply. And that's it!
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