This puzzle was written for Logic Showcase 24 in the Puzzlers' Club Discord, for which the theme was to create puzzles making use of Tapa-like clues in genres that don't normally feature that style of clue. This is a Statue Park puzzle, a puzzle style that I've always found it awkward to create due to the somewhat heavy-handed feeling of the usual clues. The information provided by a Tapa-style clue suits my writing style much better and I had a lot of fun creating this puzzle.
Place each of the twelve pentominoes exactly once into the grid, so that different pentominoes do not share an edge and the space not occupied by the pentominoes forms a single orthogonally-connected area. Pentominoes may be rotated or reflected. Clues cannot contain pentominoes, and indicate the lengths of all contiguous groups of cells around the clue which are occupied by a pentomino.
Difficulty: 7/10
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